News & Updates – RBO returns due 22 November

We are very grateful to Tom English (Thomas P. English & Associates, Consulting Engineers) for his insurance presentation at our meeting of Tuesday 24 September in Wood Quay.  A copy of Tom’s presentation is available here.

Our usual Q&A and open forum generated lots of queries.  For those of you considering attending future meetings, here’s unsolicited and unprompted feedback from one OMC director who attended our September session-

Thanks very much for organising the meeting re insurance and OMCs last Tuesday night. I found Tom English’s presentation very relevant to my own OMC and would certainly bring what he outlined and what was discussed in the Q&A session afterwards to our next AGM.

A note of thanks also to the team in Dublin City Council, who provide such a great venue, and arrange the light refreshments.


New writing on OMCs

We congratulate Aisling Keenan on the recent publication of her new book “Owners’ Management Company: Law and Best Practice”.  Deirdre Ní Fhloinn, BL is the Consultant Editor.  Both Aisling and Deirdre are friends of the Network.

It is encouraging to see new writing on the sector.  The book is available from Clarus Press.

Separately, check out this link to an Accountancy Ireland article “Business heads, community hearts”, about OMCs, and the recent Housing Agency / Clúid Housing commissioned report.


ODCE complaints processes – an FAQ

How do I complain to the Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement (ODCE) about corporate malpractice by my OMC, directors, or other company officers under the Companies Acts?

Follow this link to the ODCE’s complaints form.   Note that the ODCE has no role in relation to breaches of the MUD Act, regulation of management agents (that’s a function of the PSRA), or service charge debt recovery.


Register of Beneficial Owners – returns due soon

Your OMC Company Secretary will have received notice about this mandatory filing of the OMC’s beneficial ownership details.  All companies in the State must file a return, by 22 November 2019.  More details are available on the RBO website.

As most OMCs are Companies Limited by Guarantee (CLG), it is likely that the directors, the people in control of the company (known as “Senior Managing Officials”), will be returned as the beneficial owners.  However, each company case is different.  The status and return filing requirements should be checked carefully, with guidance from a professional advisor if necessary.


Next meeting

Our next open meeting is due to take place on 5 November 2019.  Watch Twitter & Facebook for details.

Published 10/14/2019