Published on: May 14, 2014
Following a very good presentation by John Murphy of the Property Registration Authority on their role in matters property related, our very own Bryan Maher (a member of AON Network) gave all those present at tonights meeting, a great presentation on the currently hot topic of Water Metering, with a brilliant synopsis of the proposals being put forward by Irish Water for water meter charges.
The presentation focused specifically on Irish Waters assessed charge & billing proposals for those of us in Apartments who won’t have meters installed when billing begins.
A very robust discussion with many varied viewpoints on the issue was had amongst all present, before a vote on certain elements of the AON’s proposed submission to the CER’s consultation process on water metering.
Some of those who attended tonight asked how to access the CER Water Metering Consultation Documents which are available at the links below as well as Bryans presentation to the network.
CER14082 Domestic Water Tariff Principles and Proposals
CER14083 Domestic Tariff Design Principles and Proposals Irish Water Submission to the CER
AON-Submission-to-the-Commission-for-Energy-Regulation.ppt (1) (powerpoint version )
AON-Submission-to-the-Commission-for-Energy-Regulation (PDF version)