IPFMA Conference

Published on: Oct 2, 2009

We attended the annual conference of the Irish Property & Facility Management Association yesterday thanks to Dublin City Council. The IPFMA is the professional body that represents the Property and Facility Management industry, and consequently, many of the professional residential managing agents nationwide, such as ODPM, Wyse and Winters Property Management. They’re mounting a campaign to improve the MUD legislation and, fortunately for us, we share a lot of the same views and aims. Yesterdays conference was entirely devoted to the legislation so it was a very productive day for us.

They’ve already send a fantastic submission to the government and, as a result of yesterdays speakers, are preparing a second document. We’re preparing our own submission at the moment and and will be working closely with them to make sure we cover all the bases.

Update: The Irish Times have an article from the conference yesterday:

Legislation is urgently needed to outlaw the “minimum snagging” of apartment developments, a conference on residential property development and management was told yesterday.

Speaking at the annual conference of the Irish Property and Facility Management Association, Pat McGovern, managing director of McGovern Surveyors, said the completion of snagging is a nightmare for building surveyors and management companies. Builders typically only complete 20 to 30 per cent of the snag list, a list of defects in a building, provided to them by surveyors in advance of the transfer of an apartment development to a management company.

The full article is available on the Irish Times website.

Published 03/03/2016