
Renewed call for apartment law reform in Ireland

Press Release of 12 June 2020 The Apartment Owners’ Network calls on parties involved in government formation to implement the recommendations of three recent reports affecting the apartment sector. Saturday 20 June 2020 marks a year since the publication of ‘Owners’...

Webinar – MUDs, Apartment Living, & COVID-19

The Housing Agency is hosting a webinar for stakeholders in the multi-unit developments sector. The session is entitled "MUDs, Apartment Living and COVID-19".  It takes place at 5.30p.m. on Tuesday 31 March 2020. Panellists will discuss challenges facing MUDs and OMCs...

OMC Finances & Governance During COVID-19

The Housing Agency has issued further information for OMC directors, to assist during the COVID-19 situation. The material addresses finance and governance matters that may require consideration by an OMC board of directors. OMC Finances & Governance During COVID-19

COVID-19 – Information for OMCs

The Housing Agency has issued an OMC Covid19 Tips for OMC directors, with a list of tips to help deal with the COVID-19 situation. Additional matters that OMC directors might consider for a board agenda in the coming period include- Prioritisation of expenditure for...

March Update – Your OMC & Public Health Matters

Your OMC & Public Health Matters Advice is widely available from the usual State sources.  Of assistance to your board, where for example your OMC AGM was due to take place in the coming weeks, may be some of the following third party information: COVID-19 -...

Meeting 2 March 2020 – Waste Recycling in Apartments

Have you thought about improving waste recycling practices in your development?  At our next open meeting, 6.30p.m. on Monday 2 March, a representative of VOICE Ireland will deliver practical advice for OMCs and apartment residents. VOICE’s USE initiative has worked...

Meeting 28 January 2020 – Management Agent Regulation

Our first open meeting of 2020 takes place at 7p.m. on Tuesday 28 January 2020. A speaker from the Property Services Regulatory Authority will discuss the role of the PSRA in management agent licensing, regulation, and consumer protection. We will have our usual open...

Information Meetings for OMC Directors

The Housing Agency will in early 2020 hold a series of information evenings for OMC directors. Events will be held in Dublin (four venues), Cork, Limerick, South East/Carlow, and North West/Sligo. Full details of venues and dates are available here.