Service charge income is the lifeblood of every Owners’ Management Company. Without it no OMC can run effectively. Do your OMC and your directors know the steps for successful service charge collection? Do you know the legal routes to recovering service charge...
AON Presentation to Oireachtas Committee on Housing Planning & Local Govt
We presented to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing Planning and Local Government on Thursday 19 April 2018. Our Written Statement is available at the link below. AON JOCHPLG Statement 2018-04-19 We wish to thank the Committee for the invitation to attend and we...
Adele McKeown SCSI Presentation: OMC Service Charge Collection
Hello all, At our recent meeting in June reference was made to Adele McKeown and a Thesis she undertook on Service Charge collection in Multi Unit Developments. Adele also made a presentation to the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI) recently on the issue...
Equitable receivers
Published on: Mar 14, 2013 The phrase equitable receiver is one that we've mentions a few times when we've discussed debt collection. It is a way for management companies to get the rent being paid by tenants to landlords who have large amounts of service charges...