AON Meeting – Wed 3rd May

Hello all,

Our May meeting takes place on Wednesday 3rd May 2017.  We have two excellent speakers arranged.

Solicitors Peter Kearney and Deirdre Ní Fhloinn will present to us on “Dealing with defects in apartment developments: investigation, options and solutions.”

While there has been a small number of heavily publicised incidents of construction defects discovered in Irish apartment blocks, there is significant anecdotal evidence that this issue is more widespread than a handful of buildings. Problems with many Celtic Tiger-era blocks are only coming to light for the first time now.

What actions can owners take to minimise the financial risk of construction defects? What rights do owners have if they discover defects? What role can/should the Owner Management Company play? What lessons can be learned from experience to date?

We are delighted to have both Peter and Deirdre address our meeting on this significant issue for the apartment sector. Both have extensive experience on the topic and we look forward to hearing from them. We have included detailed biographies at the bottom of the mail.

The presentation will be followed by an open discussion and Q&A session.

If time allows we will have a brief discussion on the formulation of our pre-Budget 2018 submission, and update you on other work since our April meeting.

As usual we will kick off at 7pm sharp in the Wood Quay venue at the Dublin City Council offices in Wood Quay.

Tea, coffee and sandwiches will be available from 6.45pm.

In order to help plan the meeting, please do let us know if you expect to attend, by completing our “Contact Us” form.

Directions to the meeting venue if you need them are available here.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 3 May.

AON Team

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Facebook:           Apartment Owners Network Ireland

Twitter:                @ApartmentOwners



Published 04/28/2017