Our first meeting of the year takes place on Thursday 22 February 2018.
Apartment Living – Your Views Matter
Research into the apartment sector is being undertaken by the Housing Agency.
At this month’s meeting we want to hear your views through a focus group session. All aspects of apartment living are up for discussion, including management agents, the MUD Act, apartment design, fire safety, directors’ roles, sinking funds, etc.
The session on the night will be facilitated by researchers engaged by the Housing Agency, including Paul Mooney of Benchmark Property.
We hope you can make it, and contribute to the research.
Our expectation is this research will feed into policy changes to improve the sector.
As usual we will be in our normal venue at the Dublin City Council offices in Wood Quay.
Tea, coffee and sandwiches will be available from 6.45pm. The meeting will begin at 7pm sharp.
To assist us in planning the meeting, please confirm your attendance using our Meeting Attendance Form.
Directions to the meeting venue if you need them are available here.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 22 February.
Busy in January!
In the meantime, we’ve been busy in January.
Here are links to our submission on the Department of Housing Apartment Draft Planning Guidelines, and our planning observations on estate management, services charges and sinking funds in a Strategic Housing Development-
Submission on the Department of Housing Apartment Draft Planning Guidelines
Submission on Strategic Housing Development
AON Team